Official Government Website


Current Monthly Report Form


Additional Assessment Information

Assessment Instructions 07-01-2024  (Rev. July-2024)

Assessment Law (Section 38-1209, Idaho Code)

Administrative Rules Section 050 (Page 5) addresses Assessment rules.

Memo (1-July-2024)-Subject: Significant Changes in Assessment Levy Copy of Memo mailed to Purchasers; provides an overview of newly revised levy of assessment becoming effective on July 1, 2024 (refer also to 11-Aug-2010 Memo clarifying Tribal Lands assessment). (posted 01 July 2024)

Memo (11-Aug-2010) – Subject: Clarification of Tribal Lands Scaling Assessment Applicability Copy of Memo mailed to Purchasers; contains important information clarifying the June 22, 2010 Memorandum on reporting assessment volumes from Tribal Lands. (posted 11 Aug 2010)


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